Immediate after founding MODELE GROUP from GOUMATI KNITWEARS we have exported 8 million Pcs in 2007 where the turnover was around US $ 150 million from 130 production lines. it was really a milestone for us and a great achievement for a new born Group of Industries. Now we have passed 10 years & we have 120 production lines consisting 2500 machines & we are much more experienced. We are exporting more than 60 million pcs in a year now and the turnover around 100 million USD in 2015. As we have all the backward linkage section in housed we have a vision to establish a spinning mill very soon. Beside MDC we have refurbished and relocated our mother Garment project GOUMATI KNITWEARS LTD in the same campus beside Modele De Capital Industries Ltd. We have 10,000 workers in this industry working on total 50 acres of land. So we can proudly say that we are the only group of company which has kept his promise to the Country & the society within very short time.


Our Mission is to present the world a finest fashion house by creating innovative product. We are ready to curve everyone’s dream about the fashion in light knitted sector.


Providing quality knitted product to ensure total satisfaction of customer in terms of workmanship, delivery, price & service.

Company Policy:

  • To provide on time delivery goods, quality, product through appropriate    system & educate resources. To establish quality management system ensuring that the offered service &
  •  Products meet the requirement in most effective & efficient way for the Complete satisfaction of customers.
  •  To meet requirement and the expectation of internal & external customers Community country & society as a whole.


We have 7-storied 3 (three) buildings, which is all around 3,00,000 sq. feet and 4 storied two buildings of 1,00,000 sft except dyeing, knitting, printing and store shades. The company has built a sample section, 8 sewing floor, three cutting floor & five finishing floors. The company has a large bonded warehouse, which has a sufficient capacity to control any shipment easily. We are ensuring following to our staffs and workers

  • The company is providing day care facilities
  • The company has built a mini hospital where the doctor is available full time
  • Workers dining space is available there
  • Separate loading bay & cargo lift
  • Central digital sound system
  • Single flexible sitting to the each of the worker
  • Safety electrical wiring
  • Proper racking system of yarn, accessories, cartoon etc.
  • To provide pure drinking water
  • Transport facilities to the far reaching workers
  • Life insurance benefits to all


In the age of science & technology the world is coming in a fist. We   are not far behind from this formula. We also know that better environment can give the better quality that’s why   our location is very convenient out of the city skirt. It is very easy to reach both physically and virtually. It will take at least 25 minute from the heart of the Dhaka city.

We have dedicated internet communication facilities, telephones, fax and video conferencing devices with us.